Phosphate Ore Processing
Given the diverse properties of various types of phosphate ores, the beneficiation processes include flotation, washing and dewatering, gravity separation, leaching, photoelectric separation, and more. Among these, flotation is the most widely used beneficiation method for phosphate ores. Various flotation processes, including direct flotation, reverse flotation, and double reverse flotation, are employed in the processing of phosphate rocks.
Processed Phosphate Rock
Process Flowchart
Direct Flotation: Direct flotation involves the use of effective depressants to suppress gangue particles and the application of collectors to float valuable phosphate particles in the froth phase. This method is suitable for processing low-grade phosphate ores, such as magmatic apatite and sedimentary metamorphic rocks.
Reverse Flotation: This method is primarily used for separating phosphate ore from dolomite. Fatty acids are used as collectors to float dolomite in a weak alkaline environment, while phosphate minerals remain in the cell.
Double Reverse Flotation: In double reverse flotation, a positive charge is first created on the surface of silicate minerals, followed by separation using anionic collectors in an alkaline medium. In this process, dolomite is floated first, followed by silicate minerals, with the high-weight concentrate remaining in the cell. The process can be carried out at normal temperatures with relatively coarse particles.