Engineering (E)

Engineering (E)

  1. Project Consulting

In the consulting phase, the limited data provided by clients may not cover all aspects of factory construction. Therefore, the expertise and opinions of experienced professionals are key to the design of the processing plant. Saman Fanavar Farabin Company has dozens of experienced specialists in the fields of mining and mineral industries. Only these qualified experts can provide more precise engineering consultation to clients and offer sufficient information about mineral processing plants and the value of mines.


  1. Core Content

Saman Fanavar Farabin Company, after analyzing the mineral samples provided by the client, will deliver a report based on the obtained data. This report includes exploitation (exploration and extraction), beneficiation, estimation of initial investment, and analysis of the profitability of operations.


  1. Experimental Research on Mineral Processing

In this section, the flowchart and conditions for processing the mineral are determined through trial and error. This method is the most effective way to maximize the potential of mineral resources. This phase serves as the foundation for subsequent processes, with the initial investment based on it. Generally, simple mineral processing tests are carried out within 15 working days, and more detailed processing tests are completed within 30 working days.

  • Sampling and Preparation of Mineral Samples for Experimental Research
  • Property tests on samples
  • Conducting preliminary tests
  • Analyzing the recovery of valuable particles in the concentrate and tailings
  • Settling valuable minerals in the concentrate and tailings
  • Selecting the best processing method based on the test results


  1. Engineering Design

Mine design should be based on precise field research, Therefore, Farabin Company first conducts a series of field studies to collaborate with geological, exploration, extraction, processing, smelting, equipment, civil engineering and power supply departments to design the best possible flowchart.


  1. Pre-design Operations

Initial actions include:

  • Preparing the project proposal
  • Conducting project feasibility studies
  • Selecting a suitable site for the plant construction

Preliminary design:

  • Determining the processing plant scale
  • Equipment
  • Schedule
  • Flowchart
  • safety recommendations.

Construction Phase and Pilot Production This phase involves:

  • Explaining the design objectives for the building unit
  • Detailing the design documentation
  • Solving related design issues during timely construction
  • Supervising construction quality
  • Participating in project acceptance
  • Running pilot operations and addressing remaining issues.